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You are receiving this update because you, along with more than 540 other alumnae and supporters, have shown your support of Wilson College by signing the Pines and Maples pledge.
Almost 1500 alumnae and current students are networking on the Facebook site, showing their concern and love for Wilson. Great stories and memories are being shared, demonstrating Wilson's rich and vibrant narrative.
On November 1st the Commission presented its draft recommendations to the College community. Many Wilson alumnae were present and many more watched the event remotely as it was live streamed. We encourage all of you to watch the recording. There is a Q & A segment after the presentation. You can view senior Maggie Sipps' heartfelt comments about Wilson's mission as a women's college at timer 1:02.54.
One of the proposals made by the commission is to change the mission of the College by going co-ed, starting in Fall of 2013. Male students would begin residing on campus in Fall of 2014.
None of the recommendations include a scenario that would take the full force, intellect, and passion of the Wilson experience and use it in a "pull-out-all-the-stops" initiative to try to increase enrollment as a women's college.
We know that there are still many alumnae of Wilson College who are not aware of, or do not fully understand the work of the Commission. Our goal is to inform alumnae so that they can reach their own conclusions and enter into a positive dialogue, sharing their concerns and ideas.
Here is how you can help: