Photo credit: FREEBigPictures

AAWC Special Meeting

On Saturday, January 5th, 2013 the Alumnae Association of Wilson College (AAWC) held a special meeting to brainstorm ways alumnae can help Wilson with recruiting students, retaining students, and fundraising—all core aspects of the AAWC's mission.

In the morning members of the College administration gave short presentations on issues relevant to the topics at hand. Attendees then organized into three groups: fundraising, recruitment, and retention; they formulated ideas and outlined preliminary plans until breaking for lunch.

After lunch, a member of each group reported on its work and attendees gave additional suggestions. Four ad hoc task forces of the AAWC were formed to develop these preliminary plans for fundraising, marketing, recruitment, and retention and put them into action immediately following the Board of Trustees vote on January 13, 2013.

For more information on the day's activities and plans for upcoming actions, please refer to the following:

The task forces need volunteers! To sign up to help with one of the AAWC ad hoc task forces, please complete the form below. Your information will be sent to the appropriate task force chair.


Thank you for your interest in volunteering.
Sadly, the ad hoc task forces have been dissolved.



Thank you for volunteering to help
Wilson at this critical time.